A web gallery creates an online gallery where users can view and download assets, depending on the permissions you set. It's ideal when sharing assets with someone who isn't a MediaValet user.

Please make sure that your asset is fully processed and shows a preview (if preview supported) before sharing your gallery.

Sharing Via Web Gallery

  • Locate the asset or group of assets you wish to share and click Actions > Share on the main screen.
  • Select share as a Web Gallery.
  • Set download settings and versioning for the asset.
  • Choose to share your assets in a pre-set rendition or a custom size and format. 

  • (OPTIONAL) Set a password or expiration date.

  • Choose from two sharing options:
    • Link: Which will generate a shareable URL to copy and paste in your browser.
    • Via Email: Which will send the web gallery directly to a single person or group. 
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