Creating users in bulk is a great way to manage your users en masse. Learn how to do so.
In the attached CSV file found within this article, you will need to fill out the following information to be able to create users in bulk:
- FirstName
- LastName
- Title (Ex. Could be set as Staff or Employee or something else)
- RoleName - group name setup in the DAM
- IsActive - setup as Active (TRUE) or Inactive (FALSE)
- Password - a generic one can be used during the set up, however users created will have to reset their passwords when first logging in.
Once the CSV is populated and saved, please contact your MediaValet representative and they will be able to assist you with ingesting the file and getting these users setup.
NOTE: Once the CSV file is ingested, every user will get an email notification immediately. We recommend first sending out an internal communication to users providing context on what MediaValet is; and to ensure that the email that comes from MediaValet isn't blocked or just ignored as it may sometimes go straight to junk mail.