To learn how to search for images using Face Recognition in the HotDAM! Experience, please click here
There are 3 types of search functions available with Face Recognition:
- Category Search
- Face Search
- Global Search
Category Search
1. Navigate to the category you'd like to search for faces in.
2. Click People to access the People Dashboard.
3. Locate the face card you want to search for image for.
4. In the bottom left corner of the card, you'll see the number of images featuring that face within the selected category.
5. Click the face card to view all images with the chosen face in that category.
Face Search
1. Click People to access the People Dashboard.
2. Locate the face card you want to search for.
3. Click the three vertical dots menu and select Find in Library.
4. All images within your library featuring the selected face will be displayed.
Global Search
1. Using the search bar, enter the name associated with a Face that has been previously identified & named, and click Enter
2. The search results will show all images featuring the specific face, as well as any other assets with the name in their metadata.