Sharing assets from within your DAM is easy to do with a number of options available.
There are several ways in which you can share assets from within the DAM:
Web Gallery - Share a curated set of assets with external users, they can preview and download if you've permitted them to.
Use Case: Web Galleries are ideal when sharing assets to external stakeholders. Please note that once a Web Gallery is created, its URL will not be stored. We recommend bookmarking the URL if it will be needed at a later date.
Zipped file - Share assets in a compressed file with internal or external users. An email with a download link will be sent.
Use Case: An ideal way to share files that will be needed locally (downloaded on the user's machine). Sharing a downloadable Zip file eliminates the need for the user to download the files themselves from the web.
Lightbox - Share a lightbox with internal users of the system. An email invite will be sent and this lightbox will appear in the lightboxes tab for users it was shared with.
Use Case: Lightboxes are the ideal way to share a collection of assets with another MediaValet user. Lightboxes created by the user or shared with the user can be readily accessed via the Lightboxes tab under the search bar.
Asset Link - Recipients will receive an email containing links to the assets. They'll need access permissions to view them.
Use Case: Asset links provide a direct URL to a specific asset. They are ideal when other internal stakeholders need to directly reference one asset.
How to Share Assets
1. Select the file(s) you'd like to share by either selecting an individual asset or multiple assets.
2. Click on the Actions button on the top right side and select Share
3. Determine which method in which you will be sharing your assets
4. Once you have selected which method you would like to share, you'll be prompted to configure individual settings for the share method selected.
Branded Portals
Branded Portals are a great way to share collections at scale and distribute assets while staying on brand. With Branded Portals, you can sort your assets into sections, making it easier for users to browse for the assets they need. Branded Portals can be thought of as a website that presents your assets in an aesthetic way.
Assets in a Branded Portal can be divided into individual sections, supported by headers and text descriptions, allowing for a cohesive flow that aids visual story-telling.
In comparison to the previous methods described, a branded portal is ideal for sharing assets with non-MediaValet users. In comparison to a Web-Gallery, a Branded Portal is recommended in cases where aesthetic presentation is crucial (conferences, catalogues, etc). In addition, unlike Web Galleries, Branded Portals can always be accessed via the Portals Tab within your DAM, making them easily retrievable.
Click here learn more about creating your first Branded Portal