Learn how to install MediaValet's WordPress integration powered by CI HUB.
1. Log into your WordPress site as an administrator.
2. On the left dashboard, click Plugins and then click Add New.
3. Use the search feature to find “CI HUB”
4. Click Install Now and ensure the connector is active before moving on to the next step.
5. Click Posts or Pages in the left panel and click Add New to create a new post/webpage.
6. To add assets to the page, click Add Media.
7. Click CI HUB and login with your credentials
8. Once logged in head back to WordPress.
9. To connect to your MediaValet library, search for MediaValet in the available integrations and click +. You will be asked to enter your MediaValet credentials.
10. To find the asset needed, simply type in your query in the search bar and click the magnifying glass to search.
11. Once you have found the asset you would like to use, click Use file, choose the rendition size and click OK.
12. The asset will now be inserted into your post or page.