Click on the people icon and add internal collaborators.
As the owner of the template, you can assign different types of permissions
- Edit and share
- Edit
- Comment
- View
You can also add collaborators, internal and public through a shareable link
It is easy and quick to share your template through MediaValet Templating.
Select the Share icon at the top right corner. Then click on All Options
- From here, you can share your template to social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, X.
- Publish the template on the web
- Get a link to embed on a website or an email,
- Share in a different format such as PDF, PNG or JPEG or a video format…
A myriad of options and possibilities to share your templates in the most productive and impactful way.
The printing option will bring you to the order prints section where you place an order to print your project on the support of your choice.
If you’re willing to print the template on your own printer, we would suggest saving it as a PDF and print it from your local machine.