Uploading Assets in the HotDAM! Experience

In this article, you will learn the best ways to upload your assets into your library utilizing the HotDAM! Experience.

Using the Upload Button

The upload button can be located on the left-hand menu under “Library”.


Click on the upload button to start the process.

Once there, either Drag and Drop your file onto the screen, or select the Choose files button in order to select the assets of your choice.

Press the green Continue button, and follow the subsequent steps in order to finalize the upload process.


Uploading Directly into a Category

To upload directly into a category, select the upload button from the control bar within your category of choice. To do so, select your desired category from the category tree, and click the cloud shaped icon.


Drag and Drop Into a Category

Dragging and dropping is one of the many  improvements implemented in the HotDAM! Experience. With drag and drop, users are able to upload assets directly to their category of choice, without ever needing to click the upload button.

To start, select your desired category in the category tree.

Once there, drag the files or folder you wish to upload from your desktop or folder, and drop it into your desired category. This will begin the upload process. Press the green Continue button and follow the subsequent steps in order to finalize the upload process. The category will already have been pre-selected as part of the upload process.

Looking to upload a large number of files at once? You may benefit from the MediaValet Direct bulk uploader application. To learn more, please visit this article.

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