If you have forgotten your password or would like to change your password, this article covers how to do so. There are two ways to reset the password to your user account.

Reset from the Login Screen

1. Navigate to your MediaValet library URL in your browser for example, xxx.mediavalet.com
2. Click Forgot your password?
2024-01-25 18_12_08-MediaValet.png

3. You will be prompted to input the Username that you usually sign-in with. 

com009.svg Note: While this is typically the same value as your email address, it is possible that this can be different. 

4. Click Get Password once you input your username:
5. You should receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password. 


Reset from your MediaValet Library

1. When logged in, click on the three vertical lines in the top-right corner of your library and select Profile from the drop-down menu:

2024-01-25 18_16_07-MediaValet.png

2. From the Profile section, click Change Password in the Password box. 

3. Input your current and new password values.
4. Click Save to confirm. 

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