1. To access your Branded Portals, click the Portals tab in the main navigation menu
2. From the Portals page, click Create Portal in the top right corner
3. Update the portal name by clicking the pencil icon in the top header of the page builder. This name will only be used internally and will not appear publicly.
4. You will now see the Branded Portal appear in the list of Portals on the previous page.
You also have the option to duplicate any previously created portal. Your assets, text and sections will all be carried over. This will allow you to create, modify and publish new Branded Portals more efficiently by using the previous portal as a starting point.
1. From the Portals page, click Copy Portal on the right side in the row of the portal you would like to duplicate
2. A window will open which will allow you to rename the Duplicated Portal
3. Once renamed, click Duplicate
4. The Duplicated Portal will now appear in your list of portals as an unpublished draft