Your Branded Portal can be fully customized to match your brand and campaign. Here are the areas you can customize:
Title and Description
- Click on the text fields to give your portal a title and description of its use
- Customize your text using bold, italic, underline, strikethrough formatting.
- Change the color of your text using the color picker or a HEX code.
- Add a hyperlink to refer to a specific webpage, document and more.
- Organize your text by changing the alignment or adding a bulleted or numbered list.
- Click Save to confirm your changes.
NOTE: To make your changes visible to other users, your branded portal must be published
- Click on the current logo, in the top left corner of the portal header.
- Within the pop-up, search or browse for your desired logo (PNG is recommended).
- Click Add to confirm.
Banner Image
- Click Select Image in the bottom right corner of the portal header.
- Within the pop-up, search and browse for your desired banner image (ideal size is at least
1504px by 400px, or has an aspect ratio of 15:4) - Click Add to confirm.
NOTE: When using a custom image with written content, keep in mind that banner image edges will change based on zoom and window size. Try to keep 120px padding on the sides and 40px padding on the top and bottom to ensure relevant content isn't cut off. Larger images will automatically be resized to 1504 in width.