This article will show how administrators and users with face recognition permissions can add, edit and remove people's name on the the people dashboard.
Naming people
HotDAM! Experience:
1. To name a user, go to the People submenu
2. Go to the Unidentified tab.
3. You will see all detected faces that have been picked up hence the reason they are tagged as Unidentified. To identify the face, hover over the face card you want to name and click the pencil icon
3. Enter the name you'd like to associate with the face card (e.g., "Adam Smith") and press Enter. The updated face card will appear under the Identified tab.
Note: An identified face is the result of an identified face that got named.
4. If you need to edit the name at any point, go to the identified tab and click on the pencil icon again under the identified face.
1. To name a user on the People Dashboard, go to the People Dashboard.
2. Go to the Unidentified tab.
3. You will see all detected faces that have been picked up hence the reason they are tagged as Unidentified. To identify the face, hover over the face card you want to name and click the Add a name text.
3. Enter the name you'd like to associate with the face card (e.g., "Adam Smith") and press Enter. The updated face card will appear under the Identified tab.
Note: An identified face is the result of an identified face that got named.
4. If you need to edit the name at any point, go to the identified tab and click on the pencil icon again under the identified face.
Removing people's name
1. Hover over the face card you're willing to unidentified/remove the name for and click on the three vertical dots.
2. Click Remove Name
HotDAM! Experience:
3. You will get the following warning message. Click confirm to continue
4. The face card will move back to the Unidentified tab, and you will be able to add a new name to the card.