To request access to the MediaValet Direct, please contact your MediaValet representative or email
MediaValet Direct is a Bulk Uploader tool dedicated to simplifying the task of uploading assets in bulk, all while preserving users' existing intricate folder structures. MediaValet Direct builds upon our previous Desktop Uploader tool, providing an experience that is easier to navigate, and faster than ever before.
MediaValet is available for users on both Windows and MacOS
Is there a cost associated with MediaValet Direct?
MediaValet Direct is entirely free to download and use! This application is part of MediaValet’s mission to provide a flexible user experience that can be tailored to the needs of our users.
Who is it for?
MediaValet Direct is perfect for users who need to upload multiple large assets to a single category at once. It is ideal for users who have metadata already embedded into their files, or have established a workflow to ensure metadata is added to assets post-upload. MediaValet Direct is also great for replicating and maintaining complex folder structures that users have established on their desktop, or external drives.
Any users with upload permissions can utilize MediaValet Direct. For users wishing to create new folders, category creation permissions will also be required.
Is there a File Size Limit?
There are no max file size limits in MediaValet direct – feel free to upload content to your heart’s content!
Is there an upload limit?
The speed of upload through MediaValet direct is limited by 150 assets per minute, this limit does not prevent you from selecting way more than 150 assets to upload.
How do I upload files? Can I pause an upload once I start it?
To learn more about uploading assets via MediaValet Direct, please visit our Getting Started Article.
To pause your upload, simply click Pause Upload. If you wish to stop it entirely go back to the main screen and remove it from your upload list.
What is the difference between adding and merging folders?
To learn more about adding and merging folders, please visit our Getting Started Article
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Support Team at