To request access to the MediaValet Direct, please contact your MediaValet representative or email 

MediaValet Direct is a powerful tool that allows you to efficiently upload files and folders directly to your MediaValet DAM.

Follow these steps to get started:

Upload Folders

To upload an entire parent category and its subfolders (if any) that you’ve created locally on your computer:

  • Click on Upload a Folder
  • Select the Folder(s) you’d like to upload along with their assets
  • Select Add Folders
  • If not using filename versioning, skip to step 2 (Renaming)
  • Select Start Upload

What is the difference between adding and merging folders? 

What is adding a folder? 

When you’re adding a folder to a category on the DAM, MediaValet Direct will replicate the folder, subfolders, and the assets.

What is merging a folder?

Opting to merge a folder in MediaValet Direct will result in the addition of only the contents of the selected folder to the chosen category on the DAM. This action does not generate a new category; instead, it adds only adds the subfolders and assets. 

This is a good option when consolidating the contents of various folders from your desktop, external drives, or web drives into a single category within the DAM. 


You have a folder on your desktop called “Seasons.” Inside this folder are multiple sub-folders and assets. This is how the category structure would look if you Added this folder: 


This is how the category structure would look if you Merged this folder: 


If you have any further questions, please reach out to the Support team at


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