In this article, we'll learn how to upload an asset into your MediaValet library. 

How to Upload Assets

1. Click the Upload tab within the navigation menu.

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2. Add your assets to the uploader by clicking the Choose Files button on the bottom left corner or by dragging and dropping the files directly into the uploader. 

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3. Click the illuminated green Upload and Continue button on the bottom right corner to continue. 

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4. The next step is to add the asset(s) to any relevant categories. 

  • To add categories in bulk, select the assets you would like to add c and click Add/Edit within the bulk categories menu. 

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  • To add categories to individual assets, select an asset and click Add/Edit under the actions menu. You must add at least one category to each asset to move forward in the upload process. 

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  • If you have made any errors and need to start again, click on the Clear all categories link. 

Once you have assigned all assets to categories, click the illuminated green Continue button. 


5. Next is to add any relevant attributes to the assets. Similar to the last step, you can either add them in bulk or individually by clicking on Add/Edit. Please note that adding attributes is not a required step and you can continue on at any time. 

com009.svgNOTE: If any attributes are labelled as required, you will not be able to move to the next step without filling these in. 


6. Next, add keywords to your assets in bulk by clicking Add/Edit within the Bulk Keywords menu or individually by typing in any keywords. Once complete, click Continue. 

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7. The last step is to add descriptions as well as change the title to your uploaded assets. This is a completely optional step and can be skipped by clicking on the Continue button to finish off. 

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8. The asset upload will be finalized and confirmed as Done. You'll receive a message noting that you have successfully uploaded your assets.  

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Once you've uploaded your assets, the originals will be available within your library immediately, although it may take a few minutes to be able to see the asset preview. 

com009.svgNOTE: Depending on your permissions, you might need to submit your assets for approval before they become available in the library.



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