Run into an issue or need some help? We've got a few options to help you along the way!
Search the MediaValet Support Centre
The MediaValet Support Centre is your ultimate self-service resource. Here you'll be able to find frequently asked questions, guides, best practices and troubleshooting articles. Enter a keyword search in the search bar to quickly find any relevant articles related to what you are looking for.
Contact the MediaValet Support Team
Sometimes you may run into a technical issue such as bugs, errors, connectivity problems, upload or download issues, or you weren't able to find an answer to your question within the Support Center articles, our support team is ready to help.
There are a couple of ways to contact our support team directly:
1. Email directly at
2. Submit a ticket directly from and clicking on Submit a request. You'll be required to fill out some information for your ticket.
3. Within the DAM, click on the ? button on the bottom right to open the resource center. Select Technical Support > Contact Support. A template will open up within your default email browser where you'll be able to fill our your request and submit.
Once you have submitted your request to the support team, you are able to view all your requests by going to the following link here. Please note you need to have an account set up and logged in to be able to see all your open tickets with the support team. To set up an account, click on the Sign Up button on the bottom left.
Assisting Users Within the DAM
If you are an administrator of a library, users will need to contact you directly for any access/account issues or permission level changes.
If the issue is not resolved, please reach out to the support team so they can take a look into it.
Additional Resources
If you are looking for any other resources, check out some of these other options:
- Check out the MediaValet blog for some great information
- View the Resources page on our website for up to date guides/reports