Sometimes our Support team will ask you for a HAR (HTTP Archive) file as well as the combined log file of your browser's console to help troubleshoot an issue. The following information describes how to generate HAR files with the most commonly used browsers.
Generate a HAR file in Chrome
1. Open Google Chrome and navigate to the MediaValet page where the issue is occurring.
2. Click on the three vertical ellipses button () found in the top-right corner and select More Tools > Developer Tools from the drop-down menu.
3. From the DevTools panel that appears, click on the Network tab as seen below:
4. Look for a round Record button ⏺ in the upper left corner of the tab, and make sure it is red. If it is grey, click it once to start recording.
5. Check the box Preserve log.
6. Click the clear button to remove any existing logs recorded from the Network tab.
7. Walk through the same steps to reproduce the issue that is occurring while the network requests panel is open.
8. Once you have completed reproducing the issue, in Chrome, click the "Export HAR" button as seen below:
9. Save the file to your computer with a name you will remember and forward the HAR file to MediaValet's Support team.
Generate a HAR file in Firefox
1. Launch Firefox and navigate to the MediaValet page where the issue is occurring.
2. Select the Firefox hamburger menu at the top-right of your browser window, then select More Tools > Web Developer Tools
3. This should open as a panel on the side or at the bottom of your Firefox browser session. Click the "Network" tab.
4. Walk through the same steps to reproduce the issue that is occurring while this panel is open.
5. Once you have completed reproducing the issue, confirm the network entries appear under the open panel.
6. Click the icon on the right-hand side and select "Save All as HAR"
7. Save the file to your computer with a name you will remember and forward the HAR file to MediaValet's Support team.
Generate a HAR file in Microsoft Edge
1. Launch Edge and navigate to the MediaValet page where the issue is occurring.
2. Click on the three horizontal ellipses in the top-right corner and select More Tools > Developer Tools
3. This should open a docked panel at the bottom or side of your Edge browser session. Click the "Network" tab.
4. Ensure the red record button is selected. If grey, click it to ensure the session is recording.
5. Click the Clear to remove any network logs that may already have been recorded.
6. Select the "Preserve log" checkbox to ensure the network entries are saved.
7. Walk through the same steps to reproduce the issue that is occurring while this panel is open.
8. Once you have completed reproducing the issue, click the download button to export the HAR file as seen below:
9. Save the file to your computer with a name you will remember and forward the HAR file to MediaValet's Support team.
Generate a HAR file in Safari
1. If you don't see the develop menu, go to Safari > Settings
2. Click Advanced and select "Show features of web developers".
3. Open Safari and expand the Develop menu.
4. Click "Show Web Inspector"
5. Ensure the Network tab is selected and walk through the same steps to reproduce the issue that is occurring.
6. Once you have completed reproducing the issue, click the Export option found on the far right of the network tab.
7. Save the file to your computer with a name you will remember and forward the HAR file to MediaValet's Support team.