How to Authenticate using the Auth Code Flow in Postman?


  • You must have a user account in the MediaValet library you are looking to integrate with. 

  • You must have signed up for a MediaValet API Developer Account, subscribed to a plan and have been provided a ClientId and ClientSecret from MediaValet's Support Team.

  • You must have signed up for a Postman account and opened our collection in Postman. 




1) Select the environment you will be working out of in Postman

  • On the top-right corner of Postman, select the "MediaValet - Guide Variables" environment


2) Modify the MediaValet - Guide Variables environment values

  • Click on the environment found in the left-hand column i.e. "MediaValet - Guide Variables"
  • From the screen that appears, input the following values:

    • clientId = value provided by MediaValet Support Team

    • clientSecret = value provided by MediaValet Support Team

    • scope =
      openid api offline_access
    • state =

    • subscriptionKey = found in the MediaValet Developer Account portal where you signed up.
  • Once you have input your values, click the "Save" button found in the top-right corner. 



3) Generating an Access Token

  • Click on "Collections" found in the left-hand corner and selet the MediaValet API collection that was imported.
  • Expand the "How To Guides" folder to bring up the Authorization page:

  • Review the values for each field that were configured in Step#2 for the MediaValet Guide Variables

  • Click on the "Get New Access Token" orange button found at the bottom of the Authorization screen.
    • This will trigger a pop-up window that will prompt you to sign-in with your MediaValet library user account credentials. 

Screen Shot 2023-11-06 at 3.31.47 PM.png

  • Once you have successfully authenticated, you can click "Proceed" as shown below and then click "Use Token":

    • This will add the access token generated to your list of "Manage Tokens" in Postman. 

  • ✅ Congrats! You are now ready to start playing around with MediaValet's API.



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