How can I bypass "A user with the username already exists error"?

Learn how to bypass the username error message with some recommended best practices. 

When creating a new user in your MediaValet library, you may encounter either of the following error messages. 




Both of these error messages indicates that the username already exists in this library or another library and cannot be used. Based on the way MediaValet is set up, usernames are a unique identifier across all MediaValet libraries and can only be used once. 

Multiple user accounts can be set up with the same email address. As a workaround, we recommend using one of the following options:

1. If the user does not require access to the other MediaValet library, their user account from the other library can be deleted. This will allow for the same username to be used for the new library they wish to use.

2. If the user will need access to both MediaValet libraries, the recommended approach would be to set up the secondary user account with an alternative email address as their username or a unique value. For example if the first email address used is the secondary user account could be set up with so that they are unique. 

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