Why is my Web Gallery not showing shared assets?

The following steps can be referenced in the event of the following web gallery message appearing. mceclip0.png

Troubleshooting Steps

1. Confirm whether the asset(s) shared are displaying thumbnail previews in the DAM

  • As best practice, it is important to ensure recently uploaded assets in the DAM are displaying a thumbnail preview before sharing them out via a Web Gallery link.

    • Sometimes assets may fail to render thumbnail previews in the DAM i.e. continue to display a "Processing..." display image in the DAM. In this case, please contact support@mediavalet.com as it is possible the file type may not be supported. 

  • By default, Low-Resolution thumbnails are generated the quickest. For example, if a video file has been recently uploaded to the DAM and needs to be shared out quickly, ensure that the "Low Resolution"/360p option is selected when creating a Web Gallery share link as seen below
  • A higher resolution can be shared at a later point once all renditions have processed completely.


2. Confirm whether the asset(s) shared are either checked out or Rejected

  • With our latest dynamic web galleries feature, any assets that are in a "Checked Out" state or have a "Rejected" status will not display in the shared web gallery.

  • Simply "Approve" and/or Undo the Checkout of the asset and refresh the web gallery to resolve this.


3. Validate how many assets were shared via the Web Gallery link prepared

  • Web Galleries are a great way to share out a large number of files externally in a short time span. However, depending on the number of files being shared out in a batch, it can take a few minutes to prepare and consolidate the files being shared via a Web Gallery.
  • As best practice, if 100+ assets or a very large file sizes are being shared via a Web Gallery, wait for a few minutes before performing a hard refresh for the Web Gallery link to confirm if the assets are displaying successfully.

com009.svgNote: Please reach out to your MediaValet representative or MediaValet support team directly if the steps above are not helpful in resolving your issue.




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