Administrators have the ability to create multiple keyword groups, as well as add or remove keywords from their library. Changes can be made to your keywords from the administration menu

1. Click on the cog icon in the top-right corner of your library
2. From the drop-down, select Keywords


How to Add a Keyword Group

1. From the Keywords Administration page, click Add Keyword Group

2. Select which parent group the new keyword group should fall under (if any)
3. Select a name for your new keyword group
4. Click Save to confirm.


How to Edit a Keyword Group Name

1. Navigate to the keyword group you'd like to edit.
2. Click Edit Group in the Actions bar
3. Make the necessary edits to the Parent Group or Keyword Group name and click Save


How to Add/Remove Keywords in a Group

1. Navigate to the keyword group you'd like to edit.
2. Click on the Add/Edit option from the Actions bar
3. From the pop-up that appears, add and/or remove the keywords from the group as needed.
4. Click Apply to submit the change(s)


How to Delete a Keyword Group

1. Navigate to the keyword group you'd like to delete.
2. Click Delete in the Actions bar

3. Review the warning and confirm by clicking Delete.

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